May 22, 2024


NEW! Thank You -  We had two great programs last week that deserve a huge thank you to our families and volunteers! Both our STEM Day for both campuses and the lower campus Field Day were AMAZING thanks to the efforts of our Saint Chris community. Thank you to everyone for their help!


NEW! Lower Campus Friday Hot Lunch - Lower campus students who purchased Hot Lunch for last Friday, May 17, will receive Hot Lunch THIS Friday, May 24. Field Day was erroneously blocked on the May 24 lunch calendar rather than the correct May 17 Field Day date. All lower campus parents who ordered lunch for May 17 should have received an email from Donna Beatrice regarding this change several weeks ago.


NEW! Lower Campus Cross Country Sign Ups - Calling all runners! Sign ups are now open for students who will be in 2nd - 5th grade this fall by clicking HERE. Please fill out one form for each child in your family. Click HERE for more details along with the practice and meet schedule. For questions, please contact Coach Beauregard ([email protected])


Tuition Payment Plan Reminder - As part of the re-enrollment process for the 2024-2025 school year, parents were required to select a payment plan (yearly, bi-annual, or monthly) for their tuition in FACTS. If you need to change your payment plan to another schedule, please inform Shauna Hein prior to the first payment date of July 1. You can reach her at [email protected] or 603-882-7442, ext. 212 to make the change or get more information.


Upper Campus Math SummerSkills Book - All upper campus students (rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade) will receive a SummerSkills math workbook before they leave for the summer, along with instructions for completing required summer math work. Each student’s workbook will be matched to his or her anticipated math class for the fall. The $20 cost of the book will be billed through FACTS Incidental Billing on May 27. This is a savings of $1.00 over the cost of the book/shipping if a parent would order it online independently. This will also ensure that students receive the correct book!

Parent Survey Reminder - All parents were emailed a link to our end-of-the-year survey on Thursday, May 9. Please take the time to complete the survey…your feedback is important and of great value as we plan for the 2024-2025 school year!  The survey will remain open until 11:45 pm on June 7 and is completely confidential. Each campus has a separate survey, so please refer to your May 9 email. Thank you for your help!


Summerbook Workbooks – A copy of the catalog of Summer Books was sent home last week with students in grades Pre-K through 5.  Summer Books offer a 10-week summer review for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 8.  Books may be ordered individually by phone, online HERE or by mail.  Please do not send order forms into school. Saint Chris strongly recommends that students complete summer work in addition to summer reading assignments!  

Final Chess and Cribbage Club Dates - The chess portion of the lower campus Chess Club has finished for the year. The cribbage group will meet………….. The upper campus Chess Club will meet for a final time on Monday, June 3rd. Many thanks to Tom Nardone and Amanda Morrell for coordinating the group this year!


UC Girls Summer Basketball Workouts - This summer the upper campus girls basketball program will have skills sessions on Monday nights from 5:00-7:00 pm. They will begin on June 17 and continue each Monday night throughout the summer, concluding on August 19. The only exceptions will be Monday, July 8 and August 5. The cost will be $150 for the entire summer or $25 for each individual session. Any Upper Campus girls and incoming sixth graders interested in playing next year are invited. Please contact coach Scott Purcell at [email protected] with any questions.

THIS WEEK! BBQ - Our BBQ is THIS Friday….whoo-hoo!! We are looking forward to a great night!! A few mportant notes:

After Care Ends at 5:30 on Friday, May 24 - After Care on the night of the BBQ will be ending at 5:30 pm. This allows our After Care teachers to enjoy the BBQ in its entirety. 

Dessert Table Donations - While the school provides hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, watermelon, drinks, and more, we are looking for contributions to our famous dessert table!  Please see the SignUp Genius HERE! (Note: You can drop your dessert off at either campus during the school day or simply bring it with you to the BBQ! Please, no nuts in any dessert!)

Volunteers - We are looking for a few volunteers to help with set up and/or clean up! Both will be quick and easy!  Please see the SignUp Genius HERE to help out! Thank you!

DJ Requests - We are happy to be bringing back the same DJ as our Father-Daughter Dance, Summer Brown! Summer has requested that we collect a list of possible tunes for her to play…think fun and danceable! Please forward any requests to Marta at [email protected]. Thanks!


Gym Tarp Help - The last two weeks of school are busy, busy, busy in the upper campus gym! To protect the floor, we are in need of a minimum of 8 volunteers to help Mr. Farris cover the gym floor with a tarp on the morning of Monday, June 3. Volunteers can be from either campus! If you can help from approximately 9:00-10:00 AM, please email Marta at [email protected]. Thanks!


Employment Opportunities - We are currently interviewing for new faculty members to fill potential open positions for the 2024-2025 school year! Please spread the word!  Preferred applicants should be practicing Catholics, hold an appropriate New Hampshire teaching certification (or be eligible for certification), and be ready to embrace our school mission of developing students who lead by example and live their lives with integrity and in service to God and others. Candidates may read more by clicking HERE!


TONIGHT! Fine Arts Festival - Please join our extra curricular music groups for the Spring Fine Arts Festival concert TONIGHT, Wednesday, May 22 at 7:00 PM in the gym at the upper campus. The evening will also include instrument demonstrations from grade 3 to 5 students and artwork from every student in grades Kindergarten through 8! Doors open at 5:30 PM.


Hot Lunch Ends - Don’t forget….Hot Lunch service ends on both campuses on Friday, May 31. All students must bring a lunch from home from June 3 through the end of school! There will be no “Forgotten Lunches” available at the lower campus. If a student does not bring a lunch, a parent will be called. 


Catholic Sacraments - A number of our students have recently made Catholic sacraments at area parishes…and we’d like to congratulate them! If your child has made a Catholic sacrament (baptism, reconciliation, confirmation, or first communion), please send Marta an email with the details at [email protected]. Thank you!


Milk Ends - Friday, May 31 will also be the last day for milk! Thank you to Mrs. Langenfeld for her coordination of this program!


THIS WEEKEND! Memorial Day NO SCHOOL - There will be NO SCHOOL on THIS COMING Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day. Have a super day off!


LOWER CAMPUS LIBRARY NEWS - Please see below for important news from Mrs. Noon!

End of Year Library Dates

  • THIS WEEK - Week of May 20th - Students return all library books
  • Week of May 28th - Email notices   sent home regarding overdue books

Grades 2-5: Feel free to check your student's library account. Click on "Login" and then go to "My Stuff" to see books that are currently checked out. To access the Destiny Online Catalog, your student's username and password are located on a label inside his or her agenda. If you need that information, please email me at [email protected]. Please have your student check backpacks, cars, home bookshelves, etc.  Books have a way of hiding in plain sight!   

Birthday Books – Thanks to your generosity, we had a record breaking year with over 60 new books donated to the library commemorating our students' birthdays! These books will be in the library for many years to come! Thank you for your support.


End of the Year Dates - The end of the school year may seem like a long way away, but it will come quickly!  We have scheduled the following important dates and events:


THIS WEEK! Friday, May 24

  • Family BBQ at the upper campus (all current families invited!) Wednesday, June 5 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM.

Wednesday, June 5

  • 8th Grade last day of school - 8th grade released at 11:30 AM (Reminder…no bus transportation is available for 8th grade early dismissal. Please arrange for transportation!)
  • 5:00 PM –  8th grade Baccalaureate Mass at St. Christopher Parish (graduate and two parents only)
  • 6:30 PM - 8th grade dinner at the upper campus (graduate and two parents only)

Friday, June 7

  • 7:00 PM - 8th grade Graduation at the upper campus

Tuesday, June 11

  • Grade 5 last day of school - 5th grade released at noon (Reminder…no bus transportation is available for 5th grade early dismissal. Please arrange for transportation!)
  • 5:30 PM - 5th grade Convocation at upper campus (students gather at lower campus at 4:40 PM)

Wednesday , June 12

  • Early Release and final day of school for grades PreK to 4, 6 & 7


Back to School Dates - Speaking of important dates, we have some important notes about back-to-school for Fall 2025! If you are booking summer vacations or other plans, please keep these important dates in mind: 

PreK and Kindergarten Playground Days - The lower campus playground will be open for all PreK and Kdg students and their parents for three Mondays in August (5, 12,and 19) from 9:00-10:00 AM. Come on down! This is a great time for the kids...and make important connections with friends before the school year begins!


Monday, August 26 – 

  • First day of school for 6th grade students ONLY. This will be a half day for 6th grade students. More details will be sent to 6th grade parents later in the summer.
  • Lower campus Meet the Teacher from 9:00 - 11:00 AM. Class lists will be posted in the school lobby that day.


Tuesday, August 27 - First day of school for all students on both campuses. (2nd day of school for grade 6.) Students should be in full school uniform.


Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2 - No School…Labor Day Weekend


 Hot Lunch Volunteers - Thank you to our fabulous Hot Lunch volunteers! The schedule for the next week is:

Thursday, May 23

LC:  Athena Chisholm, Stephanie Ellison

UC: Teresa Carlton, Emily Uong

Friday, May 24

LC:  Amanda Coan, Erica Lilley, Lisa Blanchard, Katie Osborn

UC: Sarah Neary, Nadra Bell

Monday, May 27



Tuesday, May 28

LC: Tina Bruno, Shannon Silva

UC: Teresa Carlton, NEED A VOLUNTEER

Wednesday, May 29

LC: Olga Usyk, Parissa Khayami

UC: Heather McCorry, Nadra Bell

Thursday, May 30

LC:  Sarah Colon, Sarah Daughety

UC: Susette Parks, Jamie Viveiros

Friday, May 31

LC:  Julie Vincent, Brenda Milinazzo, Katrina Adell, Amy Milinazzo

UC: Nadra Bell, Kate Aquino


Upcoming School Masses - All parents are invited to attend our weekly school masses! Parents must enter through the front door of each campus facility, sign in, and receive a nametag to attend. All masses are at 9:45 AM on both campuses unless otherwise noted. The schedule for the next month is:

May 30 - Lower Campus Mass

June 10 - Final Lower Campus Mass

June 11 - Final Upper Campus Mass





Parish bbq

NEW! St. Chris BBQ Planning Meeting - Are you looking for a fun way to get involved in parish life? Look no further. St. Christopher’s is planning its 2nd Parish BBQ this coming fall and we are looking for some folks to help with the planning. 

If you are interested in helping and or being on the planning committee we will be meeting in the Pennell Center, at St. Christopher’s on Monday, June 3rd at 7pm  and would love for you to join us!! 


Email Danielle Schuh - [email protected] if you plan on coming or if you can’t make it to let her know that you are interested in helping out.


See you there!!


St. Chris Vacation Bible School - Students entering grades kindergarten, through 5 are invited to attend St. Christopher Parish’s Vacation Bible School on July 29 to August 2!

 Bobs 2024


Peacock Players Summer Camp - Registration for the Peacock Players Summer Theatre Camp for grades K-9  is now open! The Peacock Players is proud to provide students with theatre arts education that encourages, informs, and challenges its students. Our goal is to build a fun, safe, and creative space for kids to explore the performing arts in Nashua and to grow the next generation of Peacock Players performers. Whether your child is brand new to performing or a seasoned veteran of the stage, our camp provides an opportunity to learn, grow, and discover. For more information, click HERE.


Immaculate Conception Vacation Bible School - Immaculate Conception Parish in Nashua will hold their Vacation Bible School from August 12 - 16! All students aged 3-12 are welcome to attend. Please find more information HERE!