NEW! Congratulations! As we prepare for the beginning of a new school year, we are happy to share our 4th quarter Honor Roll for the upper campus! Please click HERE to view the list. Congratulations to all of our scholars!
NEW! Congratulations! Congratulations to upper campus students Karthik Ramesh and Connor Ricker for their outstanding performance at the 12U baseball tournament in Cooperstown Dream Park this week! Their team, Merrimack Valley Prospects Black, had a great run at the tournament and made the Sweet 16…out of 104 teams in the tournament! Great job!
NEW! Thank you! Thank you Conway Arena and Conway Ice Rink Commission for selecting Saint Christopher Academy as one of their 2024 non profit grant award recipients. We are most grateful for their generosity and support of Saint Chris and so many organizations that promote health and fitness for local youth! We will use these funds to purchase much needed soccer goals and starting blocks for our upper campus teams, as well as basketballs for the CYO program. In addition, we are excited to purchase pickleball nets and related equipment for use on both campuses!
Faculty Updates
Employment Opportunities - Please spread the word! Saint Christopher has full and/or part-time openings in the Math and Science Departments at the upper campus for this fall! The Math position includes teaching Introduction to Pre-Algebra and 6th grade mathematics, while the Science position covers 8th grade Physical Science. Teacher training and certification is available through Diocesan programs for individuals without teaching credentials. At Saint Chris, teachers will find a strong community of peers who love what they do and are excited to nurture students as they grow into lifelong learners and leaders. Interested candidates should contact Principal Cindy Clarke at [email protected] or 603-882-7442, ext. 612 as soon as possible. Candidates may read more by clicking HERE!
Calendar Information
2024-2025 School Academic Calendar - Our school calendar is available on the website HERE! We have added February 5, 2025 as a no school date to enable our 5th grade to attend StepUp Day and teachers to attend professional development. In addition, May 9, 2025 is now an early release day.
Days with NO After Care - We will have a number of NO After Care days this year, so please note these on your calendar:
- All Early Release Days (September 20, October 25, November 21, January 29, April 17, and May 9)
- September 27 (Staff Outing)
- December 6 (Christmas Tree Lighting)
- January 9 (Staff Christmas Party)
- May 20 (STEM Night)
- May 23 (BBQ)
- June 4 (Baccalaureate)
- June 9 (Convocation)
Important Back to School Dates: Please mark your calendars with the following important back-to-school dates!
Mondays, August 12, and 19– Prekindergarten and kindergarten playground play dates from 9:00 - 10:00 AM. We had a GREAT turnout for our first play date this week! If you were unable to join us, please add it to your calendar for next week!
Monday, August 26 – Lower campus Meet the Teacher from 9:00 - 11:00 AM. Class lists will be posted in the school that day.
Monday, August 26 - First day of school for 6th grade only at the upper campus. Students should be in full uniform. This is an early dismissal day, with students released at 11:30 AM. There will be no After Care that day.
Tuesday, August 27 - First day of school for all other students on both campuses. Students should be in full school uniform that day.
Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2 - No School…Labor Day Weekend
Wednesday, September 4 - New Parent Orientation, 6:30 PM at the upper campus
Tuesday, September 10 - Upper Campus Parent Open House, 6:30 PM
Thursday, September 12 - Lower Campus Parent Open House, 6:30 PM
Required Documents for School
Updated Contact Information - Summer is a prime time for change of addresses and other contact information…and we want to keep you up-to-date on all communications from Saint Chris! If your address, email, or phone number will be different this fall, please contact Database Administrator Donna Beatrice at [email protected]. Thank you!
Medical and Immunization Updates - At the start of the school year, we need updated physical and immunization records for every student, grades PreK to 8. These can be provided in paper copy sent into school on the first day or by email to Gloria Sheehan at [email protected] at the lower campus and Laura Danielson at [email protected] at the upper campus. Note: If your student has a medical or religious exemption for immunizations, please also forward that document. All documentation is due by September 1st.
Summer Work & Supplies
2024-2025 Lower Campus School Supply List – The school supply list for the lower campus for the 2024-2025 school year is available HERE!
New Upper Campus Supplies - Please note that there is NO supply list for the upper campus. The individualized scheduling used to accommodate class leveling for Math and English make it difficult to create one standard list of supplies for all students. Each teacher will provide students with a supply list on the first day of school.
NEW! Cleaning Supplies for Upper Campus - Although upper campus students will receive their individual class supply lists at the start of school, alll upper campus students are asked to bring a box of tissues, a roll of paper towels, and a container of Clorox wipes to school on the first day. Thank you!
Summer Work - Summer assignments for both campuses can be found HERE. (Note: lower campus assignments appear at the end of each grade’s supply list). Please be sure that your student is working on summer assignments on a regular basis throughout the summer! The goal of summer work is to help students continue their mastery of concepts, skills, and knowledge gained over the school year. Lower campus students are especially encouraged to work on Lexia and IXL over the summer in addition to their summer reading assignments. All upper campus students have work in their math workbooks to complete in addition to the work posted. Let’s start the year strong!
NEW! Used Neckties for Upper Campus Boys - Has your workplace gone remote and you are left with a few too many unused ties?! Please consider sending in one or two for our upper campus “Tie Box”! Occasionally, our young men forget their tie for mass day at the upper campus and need to pick one from the box in order to meet uniform code. They LOVE to have a fun selection…and our supply is dwindling. No need to send in new ties or even a large quantity…just pick a few of your used “favorites” to donate! They can be sent in to either the upper or lower campuses and we’ll get them in the box. Thanks!
NEW! Uniform Requirements - There are no changes to the uniform requirements for this year. All uniforms must be purchased from Red Brick Clothing in Manchester (or online HERE). Please see the uniform requirements HERE.
Miscellaneous Important Details
NEW! Wednesday News Email - Do you have a grandparent or other important person in your family who you would like to receive the Wednesday News? If so, email Donna Beatrice at [email protected] to have them added to the list! Please indicate the individual’s name, email address, and relationship to your family.
NEW! After School Tutoring - We are happy to announce that we will be providing additional after school tutoring in math and reading through Title 1. This program will be available to students in grades K to 5 who live in Nashua and who show academic challenges in these areas. Teachers will evaluate students and make recommendations regarding those students who may benefit. Teachers will reach out to parents of eligible students during the first quarter of the school year.
NEW! Checks to Saint Chris - Due to banking regulations, all checks to Saint Chris must now be made out to Saint Christopher Academy with no exceptions. Checks that are made out to St. Christopher School will be returned and a new check requested. We apologize for any inconvenience!
NEW! Hot Lunch Ordering - The Hot Lunch program will begin on both campuses on September 23. Students will need to bring a lunch from home until that time! Ordering will open on August 15. Ordering for Hot Lunch is done through Full instructions for ordering can be found HERE for the lower campus and HERE for the upper campus. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully!
NEW! Calendar Raffle Fundraiser – It’s Fall Calendar Raffle time again! On the first day of school, all oldest and only students on both campuses will bring home envelopes with our popular Fall Calendar Raffle tickets! We have some GREAT prizes again this year, including gift cards to fabulous stores and lots of CASH! Every family is asked to sell a minimum of 10 tickets at $10 per ticket. This is the first of our three major fundraisers, so we are really counting on your support! This year, our Academy goal is 4,400 tickets between the two campuses! We can do it!
As in the past, for every 10 raffle tickets your family sells, you will earn one entry into a raffle for a $1,500 Tuition Credit or $1,000 Cash!
After Care Rates - Extended Care (both Morning and Afternoon Care) will begin on the first full day of school on both campuses, August 27. Students are automatically registered for Extended Care…there is no additional registration needed. Due to rising program costs, After Care rates on both campuses will increase to $5 per half hour this fall. However, we have modified the family policy to include a discount for any family that has two or more students attending After Care on either campus. The youngest student on either campus will be charged full price, while all older children will be charged the 50% discounted rate. Parents will continue to be invoiced through their Family Portal on a monthly basis.
Please note: All Extended Care balances are due when billed on a monthly basis. If a family is past due on Extended Care payments above $100, they will not be able to utilize the program until that balance is paid.
Used Uniform Closets - Have your kids outgrown their uniforms? Don’t forget that we have a used uniform closet at each campus! Donations of all outgrown uniform pieces are accepted and parents are also welcome to make an appointment to come in over the summer to look for uniform pieces to fit their growing children. Donations can be sent into the front desk at the lower campus or to Mrs. Coker at the upper campus at any time. Please contact Mrs. Langengeld at [email protected] for the lower campus or Mrs. Coker at [email protected] for the upper campus to arrange a time to come “shopping” in the closets!
Student Programs and Activities
Yearbook Supplement - A link to the digital Yearbook supplement was emailed to parents in mid-July, but can still be accessed HERE. This supplement covers spring sports, events, and activities, including graduation and convocation!
UPDATED! Lower Campus Altar Servers -- Hooray for all of our lower campus students who have signed up to be altar servers this year! We have a wonderful group so far and hope to add a few more young men! If your son is in grades 4 and 5 and has completed his Confirmation, he is welcome to sign up as a school altar server. Members of any Catholic parish are welcome to participate. Students must be able to sit still on the altar, remember and carry out instructions while standing in front of the whole school, and, most importantly, understand the sacred responsibility of serving at God's altar. There will be training during the school day. Questions? Contact Marta Nissen at [email protected]. Spaces are limited. Please use the Sign-Up Genius HERE. Note: Upper campus altar servers will sign up in Theology class once school has begun.
NEXT WEEK! Upper Campus Fall Sports Meetings - Athletic Director Ryan Farris will hold two informational meetings for upper campus students interested in competing in fall sports and their families. The meetings will be in the upper campus gym on Wednesday, August 14 and Tuesday, August 20. Both meetings will begin at 6:30 PM, and attendance is only required for one meeting, not both. Information regarding practice schedules, tryouts, and games will all be discussed. We highly recommend both parents and athletes attending the meeting. All sport practices and tryouts will begin on Tuesday, August 27.
NEW! Girls Soccer Coach Needed - We are in need of a soccer coach for our girls’ team this fall! Coaches and teams get underway with tryouts starting on Tuesday, August 27. Soccer and tryout and practice schedules have some flexibility to help accommodate schedules of potential/interested coaches. This position does not have any weekend or late evening commitments. The girls soccer position is a paid stipend position where previous experience is preferred, but not required. Anybody who is interested or who wants to learn more, can send Athletic Director Ryan Farris an email at [email protected] for more information.
Lower Campus Cross Country Sign Ups - Calling all runners! Sign ups are still open for students who will be in 2nd - 5th grade this fall by clicking HERE. Please fill out one form for each child in your family. Click HERE for more details along with the practice and meet schedule. For questions, please contact Coach Beauregard ([email protected]).
Parent Volunteers
Volunteering at Saint Chris - Are you planning on volunteering at Saint Chris this coming school year? Get a jump on things by completing the Safe Environment Training now! All volunteers are required to complete the training prior to ANY volunteer opportunities, including Hot Lunch, field trips, class projects and activities, etc. To complete the training, please see the Diocesan information HERE. Questions about the process at the lower campus can be directed to Jackie Langenfeld at [email protected] and questions about the upper campus can be sent to Sue Coker at [email protected].
NEW! New Volunteer Opportunities - While we will have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available on both campuses this year, we do have a few additional requests from our students!! In particular, we are looking for parents to coordinate:
- Coding Club (either/both campuses)
- 3D Printing Club (either/both campuses)
- Science Club (either/both campuses)
- Math Club (either/both campuses)
- Jr. Great Books (lower campus)
If you have an interest in any of these areas, please reach out to Marta Nissen at [email protected] to discuss!
Hot Lunch Volunteering - Speaking of volunteering at Saint Chris….This is an early call for Hot Lunch volunteers! As our largest volunteer program, we need lots of people to make the Hot Lunch program happen at both campuses! Everyone is welcome to volunteer…we’ve had parents, alumni parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Hot Lunch is a great way to get to know other parents, to see what’s going on at the Academy, and to see your children and their friends. Volunteers serve lunch approximately one day a month on the day of the week of your choice (although those who want to help out several days a month are always welcome!). Volunteer hours are approximately from 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM at the lower campus and 10:15 AM to 12:30 PM at the upper campus.
To volunteer at the lower campus, use the Sign-Up Genius HERE. To volunteer at the upper campus click HERE. Be sure to click through the tabs at the top of each Sign-Up Genius to view the teams and dates available for each day of the week!
NEW! Saint Christophers' Community BBQ - All families are invited to attend the 2nd Annual St. Christopher Parish Community BBQ on September 8 from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (following the 10:00 AM mass). Come share food, fellowship and some fun at Saint Christopher’s Catholic Church! In addition to delicious food (Hamburgers! Hotdogs! Egg Rolls!), cornhole, and a 3-legged race or two, we have added spin art and a 50/50 raffle this year! All are invited to join the fun by RSVPing HERE. To make this event the best possible one ever, we need volunteers to support the different aspects of this community celebration. A link to the volunteer page is included at the bottom of the RSVP form!
Happy Hearts Day Care - Happy Hearts Day Care, located at 12 Cushing Ave, will have three openings in the fall, for before and after care. The hours are 6:30 to 8:30 AM and 3:00 to 5:30 PM. We accommodate on snow days, two hour delays, early release, no school days (except for the major holidays) and even if there is a power outage. They also provide care on the Christmas, February and April vacation weeks. If interested, please call Linda at 603-321-9320.