September 4, 2024


Many thanks to Jamie Gregoire for her cheery welcome back treats and decorations in our teachers’ rooms last week!




NEW! Dogs at Pickup Time at Lower Campus - Parents are asked to keep dogs in their cars at ALL times during pickup at the lower campus. Some children are afraid of dogs and other students are allergic. For sanitary reasons, it is especially important that no dogs are allowed to relief themselves anywhere on the school and church grounds. This includes the shaded area with picnic tables next to the playground and parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation!


Calendar Information


NEW! Early Release - Here’s a reminder that Friday, September 20th will be our first Early Release day of the year so that teachers may attend professional development. Upper campus students will be released at 11:30 AM and lower campus students will be released at Noon (Prek will release at 11:40 AM and Kdg at 11:45 AM). Nashua buses will be provided on the early release schedule. There will be NO After Care that day.


Important Back to School Dates: Please mark your calendars with the following important back-to-school dates! 


TONIGHT! Wednesday, September 4 - New Parent Orientation, 6:30 PM at the upper campus. This orientation is for ALL new parents from both campuses! Please join us to learn more about Saint Chris, to meet important staff, and to get your questions answered!


NEXT WEEK! Tuesday, September 10 - Upper Campus Parent Open House, 6:30 PM in the gym.


NEXT WEEK! Thursday, September 12 - Lower Campus Parent Open House, 6:30 PM in the church hall.


Medical Information


Medication at School - If your child uses medication that may need to be administered during the school day (inhaler, ADHD medication, etc.)  or in an emergency situation (epi-pen), please be sure to send the medication to the school nurse at the appropriate campus. Saint Christopher Academy policy regarding dispensing medication is in compliance with State Law and Diocesan policy:

  • Students requiring prescription medication during the school day must have a completed medication permission form signed by the ordering physician and the student’s parent. The prescription must be in its original container. 


  • Students requiring over the counter medications, such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Tums, and cough medicine/drops, require a completed medication permission form signed by the parent and the student’s physician. 


  • Parents of a child diagnosed with a potential life-threatening allergy requiring an epi pen may request approval for their child to be allowed to possess and use the epi pen. Otherwise the epi pen will be held at the nurse’s office and by the student’s teacher. 


  • Parents requesting their child carry a prescribed inhaler may do so on the medication permission form. Otherwise, inhalers will be held at the nurse’s office.


  • A Parent Permission to Dispense Medication form is available on the last page of the Handbook HERE. Copies of this, as well as a Request for Approval to Use and Possess Epinephrine Auto-Injector forms, are available at the nurse’s office.


Contact either Mrs. Sheehan ([email protected]) at the lower campus or Mrs. Danielson ([email protected]) at the upper campus for more information.


DEADLINE PASSED! IMPORTANT! Medical and Immunization Updates - We need updated physical and immunization records for EVERY student, grades PreK to 8. These can be provided in paper copy sent into school on the first day or by email to Gloria Sheehan at [email protected] at the lower campus and Laura Danielson at [email protected] at the upper campus. Note: If your student has a medical or religious exemption for immunizations, please also forward that document. All documentation was due by September 1st. 





Nashua Bus Service - Please be patient with our school bus service over the next week or so as the Nashua School District refines the routes and continues to train their drivers. With all of the schools in Nashua back in session, there are a lot of students both at Saint Chris and at other schools who need transportation and there are bound to be delays and other mistakes. The schedule will smooth out as the year goes along! If you have any questions, please contact Nashua Schools Transportation office.


Miscellaneous Important Details


NEW! SPECIAL MILK PROGRAM Saint Christopher Academy participates in the Special Milk Program which provides milk to children in schools and childcare institutions who do not participate in other federal meal service programs. 

Free milk is offered to low-income families.  To qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the State of New Hampshire, and you must have annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

Special Milk Program

To apply for the Special Milk Program free milk, please contact Mrs. Clarke or Mrs. Langenfeld.

Milk will start on Tuesday, September 24th.  The cost of the milk is $3.45 for the school year.  If paying by check, please make check payable to Saint Christopher Academy.


NEW! School Board News - Our Board of Limited Jurisdiction (School Board) is tasked with helping to guide the school's strategic vision, Catholic mission and identity, and financial stability. You can find out more about the Board on the website HERE. The page features short biographies of each of our Board members as well as meeting minutes. and a form for contacting the Board with questions.


Board Contact Form - Parents may contact the School Board by using the form HERE. Questions about day-to-day operations and procedures at Saint Christopher Academy should be directed to Principal Cindy Clarke at [email protected].


Strategic Plan - Last year, the Board developed a five-year Strategic Plan for the Academy. Parents can view the plan by clicking HERE.



Upper Campus Mass Uniform - Please remember that upper campus students MUST wear their oxford shirts on school mass days. No polos are allowed those days, even in the fall and spring. Quarter-zip sweatshirts may be worn over the oxford. Boys must also wear a tie. Thank you!


Expanded Saint Chris Wildcat Spirit Wear Store! Have you visited our EXPANDED Spirit Store through Maverick Stitch and Screen?! In addition to our traditional Wildcat Spirit Shirts for students and adults (perfect for school Spirit Days!), new offerings include pajama pants (students and adults) and polos, fleece vests and jackets, and softshell vests and jackets for adults! We even have pom-pom hats and baseball caps! 

The first ordering period will end on September 15 and all items will be delivered to the school and sent home with students as soon as they are completed. Additional ordering periods will be announced as the year progresses. Please click HERE to order and show your Wildcat pride! 


Please note: Spirit wear is NOT part of the daily school uniform on either campus and may only be worn on Free Dress or Spirit Days. Spirit wear is not part of the gym uniform. Thanks for your help with this!


P.S. Have ideas for other fun spirit items? Let Marta know at [email protected]!


Upcoming School Masses - All parents are invited to attend our weekly school masses! Parents must enter through the front door of each campus facility, sign in, and receive a nametag to attend. All masses are at 1:45 PM on both campuses unless otherwise noted. The schedule for the next month is:

September 11 - Upper campus

September 16 - Lower campus (grades 3-5) 


UPDATED! Hot Lunch Ordering - Ordering for Hot Lunch from September 23rd to October 31 is now OPEN! Ordering will run through midnight on September 15…no late orders accepted! Ordering for Hot Lunch is done through Full instructions for ordering can be found HERE for the lower campus and HERE for the upper campus. Please be sure to read carefully!


Calendar Raffle Fundraiser – It’s Fall Calendar Raffle time again! All students on both campuses received envelopes with our popular Fall Calendar Raffle tickets! We have some GREAT prizes again this year, including gift cards to fabulous stores and lots of CASH! Every family is asked to sell a minimum of 10 tickets at $10 per ticket. This is the first of our three major fundraisers, so we are really counting on your support! This year, our Academy goal is 4,400 tickets between the two campuses! We can do it! Look for our first tally update in a Friday email!

As in the past, for every 10 raffle tickets your family sells, you will earn one entry into a raffle for a $1,500 Tuition Credit or $1,000 Cash! 


NEW! Sales Incentives - We know that everyone…especially our most competitive friends…are waiting for this news! Here’s our student seller incentives for this year:

  • Random Surprise Prizes – We’ll be picking random submitted tickets on random days…and the student seller for each of those random tickets wins a free dress pass. There’s no special schedule…it’s a surprise!


  • Classroom contests – 
    • Top Selling Class on each campus wins an ice cream party!
    • Second place class on each campus wins a morning donut party (with coffee for the teacher!).


  • Top Sellers - The three top sellers across the Academy win a Target gift card! (1st place - $25, 2nd place - $20, 3rd place - $15)


  • Random School-Wide Turn-In Days - Keep an eye on your email…we may just throw out a few random days when any student who turns in a ticket gets a free dress! 



Look Us Up on Social Media Don’t forget that we have very active social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest! Each account usually has different material, so be sure to follow all of them! You can find us at

NEW! Wildcat Instagram - Our Wildcat Athletic program also has an active Instagram account highlighting all things sports for the upper campus! Check it out at sca_wildcats!


Student Programs and Activities


NEW! Music Groups and Activities - All music activity sign ups for upper and lower campus have been sent out via email (check your spam!) from Mr. Quiqley. Drama Club sign ups will follow soon. Reminder… if your child is interested in Performance Choir, he or she should register for regular chorus first so we can count the total number of students. They will then receive further audition information. Thank you!


NEW! Upper Campus Faithful Fridays - Come adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament before school begins on Fridays from 7:00 - 7:30 AM at the Upper Campus Chapel! Parents, teachers and students are welcome to join our Campus Minister, Miss Abbey Thompson, and Mrs. Lester for Faithful Fridays. Stop by and join us as you are able for a moment of prayer. This is a great opportunity to spend quiet time with Jesus as you begin your day and end your week!


NEW! Upper Campus St. Chris's Kitchen - Do you want to learn some basic cooking skills? Do you seek to learn more about the saints? St. Chris’s Kitchen has got you covered! The first session for this Campus Ministry activity will take place on Thursday, September 19th from 2:45pm-3:45pm and consist of making a popular breakfast food: overnight oats. Those who are interested should reach out to Miss Thompson in person or by email ([email protected]) to get a permission slip and submit their session fee by Tuesday, September 17th. Space is limited to 10 students.



Popcorn Fridays and Popcorn Volunteers - If your child loves popcorn, he or she is going to LOVE Popcorn Fridays! By preordering now, your student/s on either campus will receive a fresh bag of delicious popcorn every Friday (and you don't have to pack a snack!)! The cost is $27 for the year per student (approximately 27 Fridays between October 4 and the end of May. No popcorn on Early Release Days). Please complete the form HERE to order popcorn for your student/s for the year as no individual bags will be available for purchase on Fridays. Fees will be posted in Incidental Billing in the Family Portal. Ordering deadline is Friday, September 13 and popcorn will begin on October 4th.

MORE Popcorn Volunteers Needed! We are also in need of volunteer poppers at both campuses! Upper campus popping begins at 8:00 AM and takes approximately two hours to complete. The lower campus begins at 8:30 AM and takes approximately three hours to finish (more students = more popcorn to pop!). Depending on the number of volunteers, you will be assigned to approximately one popcorn session a month. Thanks so much for your help! Questions? Contact coordinator Andrea Rugg at [email protected]. Sign up to volunteer HERE!



STARTS THIS WEEK! Lower Campus Scholastic Book Fair News - The Scholastic Book Fair here at the lower campus! We are so excited to start the year off with the Scholastic Book Fair to help support our lower campus library. Students in grades PreK - 5 will bring home Book Fair information for your review this week. Students will visit the Book Fair on either September 4th or 5th to compile their wish lists. Additional shopping opportunities include visiting the library during their regular library times the week of September 9th, before school, and during the day during recess or lunchtime with their teacher's permission. Parents may shop during the Open House on Thursday, September 12th, or during regular school hours. The Book Fair will close on Friday, September 13th at 11:30am. Please contact Mrs. Noon at [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering at the Book Fair.


Click HERE to reach the Scholastic Book Fair homepage to purchase an eWallet, or browse the digital flyer!


Online Book Fair and eWallet - The online Scholastic Book Fair runs from August 30th - September 12th. Please take a look at our Book Fair website HERE for some shopping ideas and to purchase the eWallet The eWallet gives students a secure, cash-free way to shop the Book Fair. There is no charge to set up an eWallet. You can simply create an account and authorize a spending limit on your credit card. There will be a record of the eWallets at the Book Fair in case your student does not have their eWallet in hand. 



Parent Volunteers


NEW! Ski Club Coordinators and Volunteers - Winter will be here before we know it…and that means it will be time for Ski Club! Our Ski Club is open to all students and takes place for six weeks starting in January at Crotched Mountain. Grades PreK to 2 must be transported to the mountain and accompanied by parents while there. Grades 3 to 8 have the option to ride a bus between school and Crotched. This year, we are in need of two coordinators and several volunteers to make this program a success for the over 100 students who participate! Coordinators work with Crotched Mountain and the school to ensure that all students who want to participate have all pertinent information and the appropriate ski passes. Coordinators ski for free! If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Clarke at [email protected]!


Volunteering at Saint Chris - Are you planning on volunteering at Saint Chris this school year? All volunteers are required to complete the training prior to ANY volunteer opportunities, including Hot Lunch, field trips, class projects and activities, etc. To complete the training, please see the Diocesan information HERE. Questions about the process at the lower campus can be directed to Jackie Langenfeld at [email protected] and questions about the upper campus can be sent to Sue Coker at [email protected].


New Volunteer Opportunities - While we will have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available on both campuses this year, we do have a few additional requests from our students!! In particular, we are looking for parents to coordinate:

  • Coding Club (either/both campuses)
  • 3D Printing Club (either/both campuses)
  • Science Club (either/both campuses)
  • Math Club (either/both campuses)
  • Jr. Great Books (lower campus)

If you have an interest in any of these areas, please reach out to Marta Nissen at [email protected] to discuss!


Hot Lunch Volunteering - We are still in need of many, many more Hot Lunch volunteers! We need a minimum of two volunteers daily at each campus. If we cannot find two volunteers for a particular shift, we will not be able to provide lunch on those days.  Everyone is welcome to volunteer…we’ve had parents, alumni parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Hot Lunch is a great way to get to know other parents, to see what’s going on at the Academy, and to see your children and their friends. Volunteers serve lunch approximately one day a month on the day of the week of your choice (although those who want to help out several days a month are always welcome!). Volunteer hours are approximately from 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM at the lower campus and 10:15 AM to 12:30 PM at the upper campus. 

To volunteer at the lower campus, use the Sign-Up Genius HERE. To volunteer at the upper campus click HERE. Be sure to click through the tabs at the top of each Sign-Up Genius to view the teams and dates available for each day of the week!




THIS WEEK! First Friday Adoration - St. Christopher Parish welcomes families to attend first Friday Eucharistic Adorations at the parish from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Come spend as little or as much time as you'd like in quiet comfort with our Lord before you pick up your kids from school! The next Adoration will be Friday, September 6.


St. Christopher Parish Sacrament Preparation Begins Soon


RECONCILIATION class for this Fall 2024 begins September 29. Baptized students in Grade 2 and up who are seeking reconciliation should register for this class. Students and a parent attend 7 to 8 Sunday evening classes to prepare for this wonderful healing sacrament.  We will learn about God’s love for all of us, His forgiveness when we go astray, the Ten Commandments and more. Online registration and payment can be found on the parish website under the Faith Formation tab. Students must also be registered for either our Family Faith program or enrolled at a Catholic school for their ongoing faith formation. Visit for registration information.  Questions? Email: [email protected] 



Students in grade 3 who received their Reconciliation last Fall may register for this CONFIRMATION class. This class meets on 7 to 8 Sunday mornings. Families attend the 10 AM Mass and then proceed downstairs for class from 11:15 AM-12:15 PM. Students and a parent participate together as students learn and prepare to receive both Confirmation and Eucharist in Spring 2025. Students registering for this class also register for First Eucharist, which runs from January to May 2025. Students must also be registered for either our Family Faith program or enrolled at a Catholic school. Sacrament prep registration can be done conveniently online from our website  Questions? Email [email protected] 


THIS WEEKEND! Saint Christophers' Community BBQ - All families are invited to attend the 2nd Annual St. Christopher Parish Community BBQ THIS Sunday, September 8 from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (following the 10:00 AM mass). Come share food, fellowship and some fun at Saint Christopher’s Catholic Church!  In addition to delicious food (Hamburgers! Hotdogs! Egg Rolls!), cornhole, and a 3-legged race or two, we have added spin art and a 50/50 raffle this year! All are invited to join the fun by RSVPing HERE. To make this event the best possible one ever, we need volunteers to support the different aspects of this community celebration. A link to the volunteer page is included at the bottom of the RSVP form!


Catholic Community News 


NEW! St. Kathryn Parish Faith Formation News:

Youth Group for grades 6-12 meets on Sunday's from 4:30-6:30 pm. The Kickoff Social is Sunday September 8th at the Parish Hall!  St. Kathryn’s has a mix of youth from all over the Greater Nashua area and had 36 youth at our End of Summer Pool Party.  Come check us out for Fun, Games, Food, Prayer, Friends, Learning, and Most of all God!  Contact Valerie Somers at [email protected].  


Immaculate Conception Parish Faith Formation News: 

Immaculate Conception Parish’s First Reconciliation Program will begin early in September and the Registration for those students in Grade 2(or above) and having had Baptism, is overdue, but we are willing to extend the deadline until Thursday, of this week!  All parents of those seeking this Sacrament should contact Maryann Stuke at 603-888-0321 x227 or via email [email protected] through Thursday, 8/29 ONLY.

For those in Grade 3(or above) who received Baptism and Reconciliation are eligible to receive Confirmation/First Eucharist in the Spring of 2025, if they are registered through us by Wednesday, October 2 HERE.


Parish of the Resurrection Faith Formation News:

Family Mass at Resurrection is on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30. We also have a Teen & Young Adult evening Mass on the fourth Sunday of the month at 5:00. The next dates for these are:

  • Family Mass 9/8 at 10:30 (includes a backpack blessing for all students starting the new year!)
  • Teen/YA Mass 9/29 at 5:00
  • Family Mass 10/6 at 10:30


Youth Group at Resurrection is for grades 6 and up, meeting on the fourth Sunday of each month at 3:00 in our parish gym. Parishioners, family, and friends in middle and/or high school are all welcome! Our first meeting this year is on 9/29.


Our sacramental prep program begins in November. We offer a flexible curriculum in which families gather regularly alongside the completion of independent work at home.


St. Aloysious of Gonzaga Parish Faith Formation News:

Registration for Faith Formation at St. Aloysious is open till mid-September, including sacramental preparation for all grades. St. Aloysious also provides EDGE and Lifeteen programs for middle and high school youths. Elementary school children meet  twice a month on Tuesdays or Wednesdays for sacramental preparation, and youth ministry sessions are held on Fridays (middle school youth) and Sundays (high school youth) from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Please see the flyer HERE for more information.




NEW! Notable Nashuans Graveyard Tour - For the second year, Mrs. Fessenden, Mrs. Bouchard, and Evelyn and Isabel Bouchard will be portraying "Notable Nashuans" in the Nashua Historical Society graveyard tour this Saturday, September 7,  from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Tickets and info on their website


NEW! Nashua Multicultural Festival - Join the Nashua Mayor’s Office and community on Saturday, September 14 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm for the annual Nashua Multicultural Festival. This celebration of food, art, dance and more will take place in the Nashua Public Library and Library parking lot. Meet your neighbors and share your culture at this fun, family-friendly festival! Festival parking is available at any City lot


NEW! Thank You Project Water Walk -  The Thank You Project annual Water Walk in Nashua will take place on September 14 at 9:00 AM. The Thank You Project’s mission is to bring a clean and reliable source of water to communities of Achi and Ututu in rural Nigeria. Members of these communities are forced to walk miles every single day to get unsanitary water. We have begun our sixth water well in Nigeria (at a cost of $30,000 each) and also are providing one college scholarship per year ($2,000/ student) to those who cannot afford to go to college in Nigeria.. If you or a group would like to get involved, please register at and submit pledges by filling out the registration form. Donations are accepted by using PayPal, Venmo, or by mail (PO Box 23, Nashua, NH 03061)


NEW! Egyptian Food Festival - The Egyptian Food Festival will take place on Friday, September 6, 2024 from  4:00 -9:00 PM, Saturday, September 7 from 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM, and Sunday, September 8 from 12:00 - 6:00 PM. The event will take place at the St. Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church, located at 39 Chandler Street in Nashua and will feature authentic Egyptian cuisine, face painting, cultural music, kids activities, and church tours.


NEW! YouthWell Beyond the Screen Events:

 Beyond the Screen