October 2, 2024




Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for their support of the Fall Calendar Raffle! We are happy to announce that we sold 4,787 tickets, beating our goal of 4,400 tickets! The winning Tuition Raffle will be drawn on Spirit Day on October 11….details to follow! All proceeds from the Fall Calendar Raffle will stay right here at Saint Chris and be applied to our general operating budget to help cover the gap between tuition and the actual cost of a Saint Chris education.

Let the winning begin! Looking for a list of daily winners? We have a running post HERE on the school website and a pinned list of winners HERE on Facebook!


NEW! Calendar Raffle Wrap-Up - While we are talking Calendar Raffle, here’s the final totals everyone has been waiting for…

Top sellers across the Academy: (All win Target gift cards!)

3rd - Logan of PreK D - 93 tickets

2nd - Hannah of 1B - 106 tickets

1st - Kaydence of KB - 120 tickets


Lower campus Classroom Contest:

3rd - 1B with 328 tickets

2nd - 4H with 330 tickets

1st - KB with 384 tickets 


Upper campus Classroom Contest:

3rd - 406/Daley with 211 tickets

2nd - 304/Thompson with 227 tickets

1st - 303/Lowry with 315 tickets





NOW OPEN! Applications for 2025-2026 - Do you know a family who would like to join the Saint Chris community next year? Applications for new students for the 2025-2026 school year are now OPEN. New families should start the process HERE. Note: Re-enrollment for current students will take place starting on November 1, 2024, but we will be accepting new students for open seats next year based on current enrollment numbers. 


NOW OPEN! Planning on PreK, Kindergarten or 1st Grade for Your Little One at Home Next Year? - Applications for new students for the 2025-2026 school year are now OPEN! If you have a child at home who will be joining us for the first time next fall, we highly recommend that you apply immediately so that we may reserve his or her space.  With PreK and kindergarten enrollment currently at capacity and high interest from new families in both grades, as well as 1st grade, we encourage you to submit your application right away. Veteran families can complete a new student application through their Family Portal.  While siblings of current families do have priority, we can only honor that if we know you are interested!  Please reach out to Lorrice Bedard, Enrollment Coordinator, at [email protected] with any questions.


NEW! Columbus Day NO School - Monday, October 14 will be a NO school day in observance of Columbus Day!


NEW! Upper Campus Car Riders - Please note that at the end of the day NO students who are car riders should be going out with walkers to be picked up on Columbia Ave. Car riders should be picked up on Bartlett Avenue, in front of the school, only. Columbia Ave. is reserved for bus student pickup ONLY. We appreciate your cooperation with this as we work to keep our students safe at all times.


Forgotten Lunch at the Lower Campus - Hot Lunch service is underway! Because all of our food is pre-ordered through Boonli.com, there are no extra hot lunches available if a student forgets his or her lunch. Instead, a student will be given our standard “forgotten lunch” which consists of a bagel and cream cheese and a fruit cup. Parents will be notified of the forgotten lunch and a $3.50 charge will be added to the family’s Boonli account.  


Hot Lunch Ordering for November- Hard to believe, but online ordering for November’s Hot Lunch through Boonli.com is now open! Since we can not accommodate orders placed after midnight on the 15th, please be sure to log in early just in case you run into technical issues. Important: Orders are not placed until you complete the entire ordering process and receive a confirmation email from Boonli. 


Miscellaneous Important Details


Upcoming School Masses - All parents are invited to attend our school masses! Parents must enter through the front door of each campus facility, sign in, and receive a nametag to attend. NEW! All upper campus masses are at 9:45 AM and lower campus masses will be at 1:45 PM unless otherwise noted. The schedule for the next month is:

  • NEXT WEEK! October 9 - All School Mass -  We are happy to be planning our first-ever all school mass to be held at the upper campus on October 9th at 9:45 AM!  Lower campus students will walk to the upper campus and join upper campus students for mass in the gym. Since October is the month of Mary, 5th grade students will lead our walk through the neighborhood with our beautiful Marian processional signs. Classes will walk and sit with their buddies. Parents are welcome to attend the mass and should meet at the upper campus. Permission slips are required for all students and were sent home last week. If a parent chooses not to have a student participate, that student will need to stay home until we arrive back at the lower campus after mass at approximately 11:00 AM.


  • October 24 - 9:45 AM Upper campus (Rain date for all school mass)
  • November 1 - All Saints Day Mass - 9:45 AM on BOTH campuses


Student Programs and Activities


NEW! UC Campus Ministry Volunteer Activity - Upper campus students are invited to assist PLUS Company bowling athletes in the Special Olympics at Leda Lanes every Wednesday in October through the month of October! Volunteers will help athletes at Leda Lanes from 4:00 - 5:15 PM. Please contact Ms. Thompson at [email protected] for more information!


THIS WEEK! Kid Trivia Night - Does your child have random information taking up space in his or her head? Students in grades 5-8 are invited to come show us what they know at SCA's very first Kid's Trivia Night of the year THIS Friday, October 4 from 6:30-8:00 pm in the lower campus church hall.  The cost is FREE. Students bring their own snacks and water…Miss Nott and Mrs. Lowry will provide the questions and prizes!


STARTS NEXT WEEK! MathCounts Program for Grades 6 to 8 - Students in grades 6 to 8 are invited to join our new after school MathCounts program! MathCounts is a national math enrichment program and competition series focused on engaging the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of middle school students.  Students will gather both in-person and over Zoom with their upper campus peers and coaches to practice math skills and prepare for individual and team competitions later in the year.

Meetings will take place in person at the upper campus on Friday from 2:45 to 3:45 PM. An additional meeting will take place on Zoom on Monday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM unless an additional volunteer is available to meet live with the students at another time. 

Cost for the MathCounts program is $40, which will be billed through FACTS Incidental Billing. The group will hold its first meeting on Friday, October 11. Sign up HERE!


Lower Campus CYO Basketball - Calling all basketball players in grades 3 - 6 to represent Saint Christopher Academy in the CYO Manchester League. The season will run November to March with one weekday practice (days TBD) and games on Saturdays in the Manchester area. Click HERE for more information and to fill out a form to indicate your interest. Contact Mrs. Tracy Beauregard with questions ([email protected]).


Chess, Checkers & Cribbage Club! We are happy to announce that our Chess, Checkers & Cribbage Club is back at both campuses, thanks to parent volunteer Tom Nardone! This program offers a safe, low stress environment for students to learn and enjoy the games, while engaging in a social activity that is fun for all. Students play with classmates and learn at their own pace. There is no charge for this club, however parents are asked to sign interested students up using the SignUp Genius HERE. This will allow us to share schedules and other communications as the year progresses. 

*We need a few parent volunteers at each campus to assist Mr. Nardone.  While some knowledge of chess, checkers or cribbage is helpful, it isn’t necessary!  Please contact Carol Fiore at [email protected] if you can help!

Lower Campus: The club will meet on Monday mornings at 7:30 AM. Students should enter through the Before Care entrance and check in with the teacher on duty before proceeding to Mrs. Hickey’s class for the club. The next chess/checkers-focused meeting will be Monday, October 7th.


Some students are particularly excited to learn the game of cribbage in addition to chess.  Parent volunteer and pre-k aide Amanda Morrell has volunteered to teach this fun math-oriented game at the lower campus. Therefore, we will be alternating chess and checkers with cribbage.  The next cribbage-focused meeting will be Monday, October 21. 

Upper Campus: We are thrilled to also offer chess and checkers at the upper campus! The club will meet on Monday morning every other week at 7:00 AM in the music room. Students should enter school through the cafeteria doors. The next meeting will be Monday, October 21.


Upper Campus Faithful Fridays - Come adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament before school begins on Fridays from 7:00 - 7:30 AM at the Upper Campus Chapel! Parents, teachers and students are welcome to join our Campus Minister, Miss Abbey Thompson, and Mrs. Lester for Faithful Fridays. Stop by and join us as you are able for a moment of prayer. This is a great opportunity to spend quiet time with Jesus as you begin your day and end your week!




Parent Volunteers


TONIGHT! Auction Committee Meeting - It’s time to start planning for the event of the year! Our 21st Annual Saint Christopher Academy Auction will take place on Saturday, March 22 at the Event Center in Nashua. Those who attended last year can attest…this is an amazing evening in support of the school and its students… full of live and silent auctions, raffles, delicious dinner, and more! The Auction Committee has a GREAT time putting the event together and we’d love to have any and all parents join us! The first meeting of the Auction Committee will be TONIGHT, Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:00 PM at the upper campus. Please email Auction Chair Jamie Gregoire at [email protected] more information…or just come to the meeting!


Parent Group Meeting - We will be holding our first Parent Group meeting on Thursday, October 10 at 7:00 pm at the upper campus. This meeting is for parents on BOTH campuses! Parent Group puts on a variety of school social activities and teacher appreciation opportunities during the school year, including the Father/Daughter Dance, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, and the year-end BBQ. All parents are members of the Parent Group….please join us! Parents interested in getting on the Parent Group email list should sign up HERE.


Ski Club Volunteers - Winter will be here before we know it…and that means it will be time for Ski Club! Our Ski Club is open to all students and takes place for six weeks starting in January at Crotched Mountain. Grades PreK to 2 must be transported to the mountain and accompanied by parents while there. Grades 3 to 8 have the option to ride a bus between school and Crotched. This year, we are in need of several volunteers to make this program a success for the over 100 students who participate! If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Clarke at [email protected]!


NEW! Hot Lunch Volunteer Schedule - Thank you to our fabulous Hot Lunch volunteers! The schedule for the next week is:

Thursday, October 3

LC:  Athena Chisholm, Stephanie Ellison

UC: Nadra Bell, Lori Gordon

Friday, October 4

LC: Liz McClure, Julie Vincent, Sarah Daugherty

UC: Aaron Missner, Jennifer Squillace

Monday, October 7

LC: Melanie Marcu, Beth Kreick

UC: Diane London, Paul Schibbelhute

Tuesday, October 8

LC: Dorene Krauss, Leslie Bellows

UC: Nadra Bell, Jen Liba

Wednesday, October 9

LC: Colleen Rice

UC: Sandra Delosa, Robert Delosa


Cheer Coach - Goooooo Saint Chris! Our cheer squads raise the spirit at our CYO basketball games throughout the winter season. We are looking to have TWO squads this year, one for grades 3-5 and one for grades 6-8. Coaches would begin meeting with students once or twice a week in October and continue through the season until approximately late-February. For more information, please contact Mrs. Clarke at [email protected].


NEW! Popcorn - Popcorn starts this Friday for all those who preordered for the year! Please note that there will be no individual bags of popcorn available for purchase on Friday. Our popcorn poppers this week will be:

Lower Campus: Andrea Hecchavaria, Chris Toomey, and Diana Perault

Upper Campus: Tara Canaway, Melissa Szymansky



NEW Trinity Open House - 8th grade students and their families are invited to join Trinity High School in Manchester for their 2023 Open House for 8th graders and transfer students on Wednesday, November 15th, from 7 pm - 8:30 pm.  During the Open House, you will have a chance to meet administrators, faculty, students, visit classrooms, learn about the curriculum and meet members of the club advisors and athletics. Join their admissions mailing list to learn more about upcoming Trinity Admissions events, click here. Please email our Admissions Office with any questions- [email protected] or call 603.668.2910 ext. 220. 

NEW! Bishop Guertin Open Houses: Bishop Guertin High School will hold two upcoming Open Houses for prospective students and their families in October. The first will take place from October 20 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm and the second will take place on October 24 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Students and families will tour the building, meet faculty and staff, and discover the BG difference. Registration for the event can be completed HERE





Bishop Guertin SHE BELIEVES Soccer Night - Mark your calendars for a very special soccer night with the Bishop Guertin Girls Varsity soccer team. The team is excited to invite our local elementary and middle school soccer players to their home game on October 8th where they will be walking out with the players to start the game and take a photo in this special theme night of, SHE BELIEVES. Please see the flyer below for more information. If you have any questions please email Jessica Hickey at [email protected].


She Believes



Happy Hearts Day Care - Happy Hearts Day Care, located across the street from the lower campus at 12 Cushing Ave, has one opening for before and after care. The hours are 6:30 to 8:30 AM and 3:00 to 5:30 PM. We accommodate on snow days, two hour delays, early release, no school days (except for the major holidays) and even if there is a power outage.  They  also provide care on the Christmas, February and April vacation weeks. If interested, please call Linda at 603-321-9320.